Saturday 28 June 2014


I'd like to talk about "Derek". Derek represents modern society in all its splendid tragedy. Derek represents the way in which we move through life in a zombie like trans in order to achieve societies tunnelled idea of happiness, and yet we can learn a lot from Derek; be at one with Derek.

Derek is an inanimate object that lives within most. It thrives on social inequality and unruly class segregation. It accepts life as it comes and doesn't dare question the running order of it. The inconspicuous Derek within us doesn't mean to be so boringly obedient and doesn't mean to lack challenge because of course that's all it knows; it's been force fed where it lies in the stages of the hierarchy pyramid and unjustifyingly told when to step in line. And it's true. It is much easier to accept the rules that are laid down before us and sign on the dotted line. It's what we are told that we have to do isn't it?

And surprisingly we shouldn't look at Derek as a social disease but in fact learn from it. Somewhere within us is an acceptance of what instincts used to teach us; that there must always be figures that stand above is with more power; life is an existence in which we must comply by the rules. From Derek we learn how to survive. The real question is, is survival enough?

When does life become an act of living rather than existing and surviving? Maybe, just maybe, living is when we are able to take Derek out of its little grey box and put it in a large red circle. We show it that there is more to life then simply managing through and stumbling along; that life can be full of challenge and contribution. Because isn't that what living really is? Isn't living being able to wear the football shirt to a dinner party and still have the pride to express ones opinions with passion and assurance? Isn't living being able to look your leader in the eye and say 'I know you need to hear what I have to say"?

Reality says that there will most likely always be someone that has just the more power than you do. Reality says that we can never completely destroy the Derek within us. But who is reality to question our ideas? Reality is having religion and science running alongside each other and accepting it! Is it so unjustly to believe that power and freedom can cooperate in society?

This is not a pledge to be less like Derek but to simply question just how much you let Derek influence you. No matter how inanimate Derek is, it has the ability to control you. It's about time we control Derek.

Kind regards,


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